NDIS Quality, safety and you (EP-101)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
NDIS Quality, safety and you (EP-101)
This module is a link to the NDIS Commission Course, this course is not owned or maintained by EP.

This module is an interactive online course that explains the obligations of workers under the NDIS Code of Conduct – from the perspective of NDIS...
Complaints and Feedback (EP-102)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Complaints and Feedback (EP-102)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018 require registered NDIS providers to have an effective system for management and resolution of complaints about the supports or services they provide.


Incident management (EP-103)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Incident management (EP-103)
NDIS providers that are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission require an incident management system to record and manage incidents that occur in connection with providing supports and services to people with...
Infection control Level 1 and PPE – Workplace Safety (EP-105)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Infection control Level 1 and PPE – Workplace Safety (EP-105)
This module equips support workers with the knowledge required to prevent and control infection according to current Work Health Safety (WHS) legislation, standards and industry codes of practice.

It includes:
Transmission of infection
Fire Safety Awareness (EP-106)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Fire Safety Awareness (EP-106)
Fires can destroy property, cause injuries, and in a worst-case scenario take lives. Everyone is at risk of a fire, with adequate training people can respond promptly and safely to fires.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Disaster & Emergency Management (EP-107)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Disaster & Emergency Management (EP-107)
Emergency and disaster management This induction/training is for all staff including: managers, business owners, support workers and allied health. Anyone who is employed in your business. It is mandatory to induct staff to your Disaster and...
Supporting Safe and Enjoyable Mealtimes (EP-110)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Supporting Safe and Enjoyable Mealtimes (EP-110)
This video has been developed by the NDIS Commission. Effective Policy is not charging a fee for this video, we are simply placing it in the mandatory module package for provider convenience and having 'one gateway'. Questions answered...
Food Safety (EP-111)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Food Safety (EP-111)
This module explains Food Safety. Information in this module will inform you of what is expected from you as an employee in an NDIS environment. - what is food safety? - Food Standards Aus - High risk Populations - High risk foods -...
Assist Clients with Medication (EP-113)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Assist Clients with Medication (EP-113)
This module has been updated September 2023 to better align with the learning competencies of HLTHPS006 Assist Clients with Medication

This module comes with a downloadable learner guide. The learner guide is approved under the Australian...
Management of Clinical Waste (EP-114)
1. All NDIS Training
NDIS Mandatory Induction Modules
Management of Clinical Waste (EP-114)
This module has been developed to ensure that workers understand their responsibility to provide appropriate management of clinical waste with consideration to participant's privacy, dignity and personal safety. This module will take...

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