The material used to prepare this module has been taken from the Competency: HCDIV002 - Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island Cultural Safety and has been adapted for support worker positions. This learning module provides information to better equip disability and community support workers (or other staff) to work with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples (Australian First Peoples) in a culturally safe way. The module will take between 45-60 minutes to complete. It has 14 knowledge 'checkpoints'. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can work through this course anywhere, on any device, and you can stop the course and return to the same place later. There are short quizzes throughout this module to test your knowledge, with a pass mark of 100%. A certificate will be generated. Please keep this as a record for your employer. Important note: You will have a maximum of 3 attempts for the quiz. If you exceed the 3 attempts, your employer will be notified and your progress will be reset.
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